I was pleased to participate recently in The Midwest Roundtable on Talent.  The event brought together business leaders and presidents from more than 60 colleges and universities to exchange ideas about how to prepare students for success in the 21st century workplace.  It’s a topic I care deeply about, and I enjoyed discussing Opportunity Education’s Quest Forward Academies and its Pathways Program with the group. 

The Quest Forward Academies are powered by Opportunity Education’s Quest Forward Learning curriculum.  It’s an approach to learning that focuses on giving students the skills to succeed in today’s world, and tomorrow’s.  The Pathways Program, which begins in 9th grade and supports students for up to 10 years, brings the importance of career readiness into focus before students have made the commitment to attend college. 

Real-life skills, career planning, financial literacy, and the important role that businesses play through internships and early jobs are things we need to be working on today if young people are going to live successful lives tomorrow.

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